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Create. Connect. Restore.
Have you ever noticed that you’ve picked up a pen and forgotten how to write? Have you ever noticed that your fingers have got so used to touch typing? Have you ever noticed that you’ve always got your phone in your hands? Have you ever noticed that What’s app’ing is your preferred method of talking to loved ones?
If you have noticed any of the above scenarios or similar ones then you are like me, someone who’s actually got the skill to write using a normal ballpoint pen, to handwrite letters, to handwrite essays, to write stories… You are someone like me that has an abundance of hidden creative talent. A talent that you could explore with those well creamed hands.
You could be a parent like me watching your children growing up in an environment like mine where everyone’s surrounded by phones like water bottles. You could be a parent like me who’s children have had access to everything since they were born and you are striving to ignite their creative sides during their young years, unleashing their creative talent and inspiring them to become mindful and practise mindfulness, helping them to unravel their feelings and thoughts. All of this so that when they grow up they have a bank of creative talents and tools rolled up their sleeves ready to use to escape from the rat race.
For me, I’ve found myself escaping my day job whenever I can and found peace in the most basic fun activities; ranging from knitting, crocheting, cutting wood, quilling to drawing and colouring. The daily rat race is never going to end, just like the pile of dishes that need to be loaded into the dishwasher or the endless washing machine loads… as the years have gone on time has continued to become even more precious.
Searching to be in the moment, striving to practice mindfulness… has been through getting those sewing needles, crochet needles, quilling tools and glue out and weaved into my downtime routine. Over time the feeling of relaxation has uplifted my mood to another level.
Whether you are 1 years old or retired or in between there is always time for you to start getting a healthy dose of mindfulness crafting into your routine. There is increased research on the health benefits of practising mindfulness whilst crafting.
What are your favourite crafting activities? What are you doing to bring back your creative talent into your mindfulness routine?
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