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Create. Connect. Restore.
There’s a big difference, it turns out, between experiencing history and writing history as I live through History with my children after 4 weeks of Lockdown in London.
Writing history as historians (which is what we are now), we could write a daily account of what is actually happening in our own homes and around the country during self-isolation. This will give the future insight into how people managed during these unprecedented times of crisis or shall we just say chaos.
Writing personal journals will help capture the challenges our children are experiencing at present. Who remembers learning the horrors of World War ll through the experiences of Anne Frank’s diary?
As schools were closed and went into virtual learning 4 weeks ago many children have adapted to a new holiday life at home. To contribute to history it would be great to encourage your children to start journaling. It’s never too late to reflect on the past and write about the present as they predict the future.
Let’s hear about how your life has been affected, how your family is handling the changes, how children are adjusting, how working life has changed and evolved for their parents. It would be great to capture what they are seeing in your home, in your garden, on the streets, at the local corner or grocery shops, in the parks where you’re walking or running – how’s social distancing? When you hear or see pandemic, what are you seeing and feeling? What are you hearing? If you are a key worker or a member of the family of a keyworker, what’s it like in the hospital?
Feel free to keep your diaries private or share it with us here or email it to us at
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