Craft Packs

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Heart Quilling Card Making Kit

heart quilling card making kit

Mindfulness Craft packs are specially tailored to help you on your journey to practising Mindfulness to destress and switch off.

These beautiful craft packs have everything you need to create beautiful hand-made items.

Simply order and be amazed with your creative end products.

The pack contains paper strips (colours may vary), a quilling tool, glue, one blank card and a blank envelope.

Suitable for children and adults.

Butterfly Origami Bookmarks

butterfly origami bookmark

Mindfulness Craft packs are specially tailored to help you on your journey to practising Mindfulness to destress and switch off.

These beautiful craft packs have everything you need to create beautiful hand-made items.

Simply order and be amazed with your creative end products.

The pack contains coloured paper and butterfly motifs.

Suitable for children and adults.